Start your 6 Week EBS Weight Loss Program!
Our 6 Week program will get you started on your journey to the body you have wanted.
- Combination Session 90 mins one session per week.
- Slimming Cream
- Lipo Laser Melt
- Power Sculpting
- Skin tightening & Detox Sauna with Fade Away slimming body wrap.
- (Bonus) 1 Fat Freeze session.
- Meal Plan provided & Fade Away Diet Regiment!
Complimentary Consultation!!!
Areas of focus: Abdomen, Love Handles, Legs, Arms
Schedule a Complimentary Consultation
” Okay let me start by saying I am a real customer, and I looooove EBS. Although they are smaller than another spa I have visited, they really personalize your package. I had never seen results like this, and even when I get off track they check on you. It was truly a lifestyle change experience. ”
“I have tried many of the spas in Miami, and they rush you in and you out. Here she took her time with me and we worked on a plan that really got me started. I am glad I finally am losing weight and now I don’t want to stop.”
“I was so nervous to try a body spa. I heard stories how they really don’t work with you. Ebony was amazing she made me feel comfortable. After our session I signed up, no pressure sales at all. I’m happy with my results, and she checks on my progress even after our package was done.”